I was reading a magazine that I purchase at church it’s called “UNBOUND” and I have read an article which I think I should share to all of you about diet. Well if you want to order the magazine online you can visit
Here it is;
1. YOGURT – Contains CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). CLA, simply put, is fat that fights fat and yogurt is one of the few foods that have it. It even lowers cholesterol and triglycerides.
2. GREEN TEA – Green Tea lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL (good cholesterol) levels in your body. The antioxidant polyphenol contained in Green Tea also help prevent certain forms of cancer. The best part is that it makes you look good by increasing calorie and fat metabolism. Green Tea extract is a vital ingredient in most of today’s thermogenic supplements or fat burners.
3. All-natural No-sugar Peanut Butter – This one has monounsaturated fat (the fat that’s actually good for you) vitamin E, and protein. It may be high in calorie but since it’s a good muscle-builder, it can efficiently fight fat.
4. EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL – If you can use this to create your meals, you’re in for some good fat since olive oil is abundant in monounsaturated fat and vitamin E. It helps burn fat, fights heart disease and lowers blood pressure.
5. WHOLE-GRAIN BREADS AND CEREALS – These are abundant in complex carbs and fiber which make you feel a lot fuller than you really are so. It controls your cravings and in turn, makes you eat less. It also keeps insulin levels low and helps keep your body from storing fat. Good sources include brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and whole wheat bread. Please don’t eat white bread unless you think that it is whole grain.
6. OATMEAL – Oatmeal is the perfect energy source in the morning because it contains a lot of complex carbs which have a sustained release effect meaning, it slowly releases the carbs into your bloodstream in order to be used as energy throughout the day. Oatmeal also contains a lot of fiber – the body’s bouncer. It helps clean our system of those pesky things like LDL cholesterol. Plus, it makes you feel fuller for a longer time in order to control your cravings throughout the day. Try downing a bowl of oatmeal every morning!
7. BEANS – Beans contains a lot of protein, fiber, iron, and virtually no fat! It helps control our craving and it also regulates our digestion. Just make sure not to eat too much unless you want to stink up your surroundings with the gastrointestinal distress associated with too much bean consumption. Also avoid the baked and fried variety of beans since these are high in sugar and fat due to the ingredients used to get them into that state.
8. WATER – Yes water! Water transports all nutrients throughout our bodies and also flushes out toxins. Sometimes, our bodies trick us into believing that we’re hungry when the reality is that we’re simply thirsty or dehydrated. Try drinking a glass of water 15 minutes before a meal and see if you can eat as much.
9. MCT’s (Medium Chain Triglycerides) – Naturally found in coconut oil and some other food, it is also available in supplemental form and can be purchased at your local nutrition store. Research suggests that MCT’s bypass the normal digestive process and are immediately converted into energy by the liver. Plus, it has a thermogenic (fat-burning) effect on our bodies. However, check with your physician before supplementing with MCT’s as some research show that it is not recommended for individuals with diabetes or who suffer from high cholesterol levels.
10. GREEN VEGETABLES – Vegetable like broccoli are rich in fiber and again, help fight fat and keeps us feeling fuller. Most of them are actually rich in antioxidants like Vitamins A, C and K that help fight those nasty free radicals that keep us down by attacking our cells. These food are good for you as long as you don’t fry them or smother them in sauce that only add worthless calorie to their already sound nutritional value.